Alexandr Кhatisyan
Curriculum Vitae
On February 5th in 1919 the post of the prime minister was given to Aleksandr Khatisyan. The government was still facing a number of major state and national issues, including the most important ones, like border expansion and immigration issues and economic and diplomatic relations were being dealt with. The improvement works on railroad: the government invited experts from abroad, large loans were opened. The political life was active too, on March 12 the government decided to have parliamentary elections. It was the first parliamentary election as the first legislative body was not elected. All-Russian constitutional elective law was taken as the basis of new parliamentary elections, the country became one big electoral region, Turkish-Armenians were also given the right to vote.
The new parliament was formed with the majority of dashnaks, and the new staff of the government was announced in the lead of prime minister and minister of foreign affairs A. Khatisyan.
The problems of the government were the following ones: to create a very favorable state loans, for the exploitation of a number of companies of economic importance, to give state assistance to working class people suffering from natural disasters, to encourage the entrance of private capital, to use productive taxation mechanisms, to start the professional education.
Concerning the foreign policies, the government decided not to solve the border problems with the neighbors using weapon.
The country progressed and improved, many things were changing in Armenia, the production and selling of salt was organized on state money, Kars-Batumi highway had opened, the ministry of national economy ministry had been opened, which would deal with economical progress, and take serious steps in cultural-educational development. It was during Khatisyan’s tenure, when the University of Armenia was opened. Based on Hovhannes Tumanyan’s (the president of the House of Armenian Writers) application, the writers got 100 thousand rubles of pension. The government spent a lot of money on the immigration. Khatisyan’s staff embarked the printing of Armenian drams in London.
The government gave the people 332 660 bags of seeds.
The jury court opened.
The situation in Armenia worsened again in the end of Khatisyan’s tenure, Azerbaijan became Soviet, in May many demonstrations were held and the Bolsheviks used those demonstrations, the result was governmental crisis.
By the way, when in Georgia, Azerbaijan the Bolsheviks were being violently prosecuted Khatisyan’s staff gave them a chance to live and work freely.
So on May 5th when the governmental crisis was already present, a meeting was called. Khatisyan’s resign was presented to the legal body by Qajaznuni. The parliament accepted Khatisyan’s resign.
The second prime minister left his post.
Like many leaders of the first republic, Khatisyan also left his homeland after Armenia became Soviet Republic.
In 1945 in Paris he died. He had been a member of ARF party, had studied in gymnasium of Tbilisi, Moscow and Kharkov’s universities, was a doctor by profession. In 1909-1917 had been the governor of Tbilisi and at the same time in 1915-1917 had been the vice-president of National Bureau. In 1917 had been elected as the governor of Aleksandrapol. Had been in the position of minister of finance in Transcaucasian Seim. Like Qajaznuni had written memoirs. The memoirs “The origin and the development of Republic of Armenia” belong to him.